
Currently, CLADEA has 256 affiliated institutions, belonging to 32 countries in America, Europe, Africa and Oceania, both private and public.

CLADEA members are the institutions dedicated to the teaching, research and promotion of the sciences and techniques of the administration that requested their membership and that by complying with the requirements indicated in the statutes that were admitted by the Assembly of members.

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Montpellier Business School

Miembro Titular

Ecole Supérieure de Commerce
Xavier Rajot – Director de Relaciones Internacionales

Audencia Nantes School of Management

Miembro Titular

Audencia Business School
Sebastien Tran – Dean

Toulouse Business School

Miembro Titular

International Relations
Florence Ramillon – Director of International Relations TBS

Institut Superieur de Gestión – ISG

Miembro Asociado

Administración de Empresas
Juliette Maurel Leroy – Director International Office

Skema Business School

Miembro Titular

Business School
Patrice Houdayer – Vice-Dean, Programs, International and Student

La Rochelle Business School – Excelia Group

Miembro Titular

Escuela de Negocios
Alejandro Escudero Yerro – Associate Dean & Director

Rennes School of Business

Miembro Titular

Santiago García – Decano

Burgundy School of Business

Miembro Titular

Stephan Borcieu – Decano

ESSCA School of Management

Miembro Titular

Muriel Jacquelin – Associate Dean

EM Normandie Business School

Miembro Titular

Hendrik Lohse – Decano de Desarrollo

Kedge University

Miembro Titular

Santiago García – Vicepresidente


Miembro Titular

Lorena Zanelli – Associate Director

Alianzas Estratégicas

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