Directors of Cladea Information Centers


The Directors of the Information Centers members of CLADEA have been participating in annual meetings ever since 2003.

The first meeting was part of the XXXVIII CLADEA Assembly that was organized by the USIL and ESAN universities, as an activity that brought together the people in charge of business schools information centers. The purpose of the meeting was to propose a forum that could allow permanent exposure for the various projects carried out by the centers and strengthen cooperation and information exchange between them.


Be the bond between CLADEA’s Information Centers´ directors, in order to develop mutual varied interest topics and information projects through a joint effort between members.


To be recognized as the group that brings together CLADEA’s information centers that contributes to development and supports academic effort and excellence research in every business school of Latin-America and the Caribbean.


  • Develop a forum in which directors are able to deal with mutual interest topics and share information.
  • Be aware of every necessity, problem and doubt every library director may have and come up with solutions for them.
  • Offer regular training to members in different library management areas.
  • Stablish new bonds and collaborate with similar organizations from overseas.

Accomplished goals

Accomplished goals

Past meetings

Past meetings



Repository ADCIC

Repository ADCIC



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