Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú


Type of job: Full-time research professor
Functional area: Finance
Modality: Face-to-face
Address: Av. Universitaria 1801, San Miguel
Start date: June 17, 2024
Deadline: August 17, 2024
Description of the position offered:

The Academic Department of Management Sciences of the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru (PUCP), within the framework of the Program to Attract Young Professors with Full-Time Dedication (Tenure Track), invites you to participate in the competition for the assignment of:

One (1) Full-Time position for a full-time professor


  • Experience in both undergraduate teaching and research in Finance and Management Sciences [Finance & Management]
  • History of scientific publications and participation in prestigious academic events.
  • Interest and willingness to assume teaching responsibilities at the undergraduate and graduate levels.
  • Willingness to actively participate in the academic life of the Department and to get involved with the multidisciplinary community of professors.
  • Ability to collaborate and build relationships with students, colleagues, external peers, and public and private organizations.
  • Flexibility, communication skills, orientation toward quality results, the search for continuous improvement and the achievement of excellence.
  • Availability to join full-time (40 hours per week) and work exclusively on the PUCP campus.

By joining the DACG teaching team you will assume the following commitments and responsibilities:

Commitments in research

  • High-quality academic production indexed in Scopus or Web of Science or other productions recognized by the PUCP Vice-Rectorate for Research. The selected professor agrees to publish the following articles within a period of 3 years: Six original articles indexed in Scopus or Web of Science in Q1 or Q2 journals
  • Dissemination of research in at least one academic conference, in person or virtually, refereed by an international scientific committee per year.
  • Formulation and application for external research funds.
  • Active participation in the assignments of the DACG editorial committee.
  • Support in the organization of DACG academic events.
  • Presentation of the progress and results of research to the professors who are members of the DACG.

Commitments in Teaching

  • Ten (10) hours of teaching per week per year: Professors who enter the Department of Management Sciences under the Tenure Track modality must fulfill a teaching load of 10 hours per week in the year. At least 6 hours per week must correspond to regular undergraduate courses in the Faculty of Management and Senior Management.
  • Thesis advice. Professors must be advisors of at least 2 theses per year in the undergraduate program of the Faculty of Management.
  • Maintain a high performance evaluated through the Teacher Opinion Survey [above the PUCP average] Professors commit to obtaining the highest scores according to the classification established by the university.
  • Improvement in university teaching. If the evaluation committee or the Head of Academic Department determines it or on their own initiative, professors may indicate how they will continue to improve their teaching in higher education. They may participate in programs proposed by the university or other institutions.

PUCP Affiliation The professor undertakes to indicate affiliation with the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru in all publications, projects and presentations at academic events that he or she carries out.

Exclusivity The professor agrees that, during the period of his contract, he will only have teaching hours at the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru. That is, he will not be able to teach or do research at other university educational institutions (or equivalent), except as a guest professor or visiting researcher.

  • Have a Doctorate Degree (in the specialty of Finance, Administration, Management and/or related fields). If the diploma was obtained abroad, it must have the revalidation or recognition of the academic degree, according to the Law.
  • Preferably, be 40 years old or younger.
  • Have conducted research in the field of finance and/or management and have at least two (2) publications indexed in Scopus or Web of Science in Q1/Q2 journals.
  • Preferably, have participated in research groups and research projects.
  • Have participated as a speaker in academic events refereed and/or indexed in the last three (3) years.
  • Demonstrate experience of at least three (3) years and favorable evaluations in university teaching.
  • Have advised undergraduate or graduate theses.
  • Desirable, have professional experience in the field of finance and/or management. Ability to communicate orally and in writing in Spanish and English, with the possibility of teaching in both languages.
  • Strong sense of ethics and good practices, both in scientific research and in academic publication processes.
  • Willingness to work in a team, for multidisciplinary work and adaptation to new work environments.
  • Present the work plan that will be developed during the period of the contract.
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