Currently, CLADEA has 256 affiliated institutions, belonging to 32 countries in America, Europe, Africa and Oceania, both private and public.

CLADEA members are the institutions dedicated to the teaching, research and promotion of the sciences and techniques of the administration that requested their membership and that by complying with the requirements indicated in the statutes that were admitted by the Assembly of members.

For more information, please contact to e-mail:


Thunderbird School of Global Management

Full Member

International Business School
Sanjeev Khagram – Dean and Director-General

Florida International University – FIU

Full Member

College of Business
Jerry Haar – Executive Director for Latin America

University of San Diego

Full Member

School of Business Administration
Tim Keane – Dean

University of Richmond

Full Member

School of Business and Leadership
Thomas Cossé – Associate Dean for International Programs

California State University San Bernardino

Full Member

Jack H. Brown College of Business and Public Administration
Tomás Gómez-Arias – Dean


AACSB International – The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business

Institutional Member

College of Business Administration
Tom Robinson – President and Chief Executive Officer, Manager, Accreditation Services

Association of University Programs in Health Administration – AUPHA

Institutional Member

Dirección General
Daniel Gentry – President & CEO

Business Assoc. of Latin American Studies – BALAS

Institutional Member

Dirección General
Xavier Mendoza – President

WACRA – World Association for Case Method Research & Application

Institutional Member

Hans E. Klein – Executive Director

The Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs – ACBSP

Institutional Member

Jeffery Alderman – Executive Director / CEO

University of Miami

Full Member

School of business
Cecilia Sanchez –  Directora Asociada

Texas A&M University- Kingsville

Full Member

College of Business
Natalya Delcoure – Decano

Alliant International University

Full Member

Yvon Desportes – Director of International Development 

Northern Illinois University

Full Member

Joan Phillips-Hernandez – Dean

Alianzas Estratégicas

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